So Gitchi read all the viewer mail and took your comments to heart. And next time she's going to practice staying on pitch and learn the words before she takes the mike.
Meanwhile, she re-did her jump grid today. And this IS better, thanks Auntie C! Here's the new video:
I can see that "compression" you talk about now. It's one of those fleeting things you don't see unless you know to look for it, because the explosion of extension that occurs just after is so much flashier. But the kinetic burst wouldn't be possible without the marshalling of potential energy, that moment of coiling... wait... I'm hearing music...
"The tip of the iceberg, the sun before the burn
The thunder before lightning, the breath before the phrase"
The hourglass on the table, the walk before the run
The breath before the kiss and the fear before the flames"
Name that tune!
It's from a song that's very near and dear to me 'n Gitchi's hearts, what was ALMOST her name-song: "Glitter in the Air" by P!nk. Here are the opening lyrics, so descriptive of how she entered our lives and changed them forever:
"Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Close your eyes and trust it, just trust it
Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?"
(You *did* notice the sun glittering on her fur as she ran thru the jump grid in the video, right?)
Suse 'n Gitchi
This is Sharon's follow-up comment from email (she's so shy, yanno):
ReplyDeleteYes, looks like nicer front feet work. She is adjust(ing) well. This grid you are using is called the "equal distance grid w/out height"
Here's synopsis of what Salo handout says about jump form that you are looking to build:
* all these grids achieve maximum compression where hind feet actually pass front end. Max compression must happen to enable max extension.
* Perfect set point (point where dog launches to the jump) - rear feet planted tightly together, weight distribution to rear, back slightly rounded, head down.
* in Flight - back is relaxed, arched, head down (a head UP means a butt DOWN and a knocked bar).
* Landing - front ankles relaxed, head still down, landing stride is a huge stride.
So far, I think Gitchi is getting it! She looks relaxed, comfortable, head is down, rear is together, and she very cutely explodes at the end of each chute. With that explosion, you may try moving the toy / target about 3 or 4 more feet away so that she's driving to it vice pouncing.
Can't wait to show you more jump grids.